Category: mobile news

Birds of Our Waters Presentation

Presentation by Jim Knickelbine, Director of Woodland Dunes Nature Center. Jim is an experienced birder with years of experience observing and writing about the natural world. At the banquet, Jim shared his knowledge about our migratory feathered friends that inhabit and visit our county lakes and wetlands.

Steve Hogler to Discuss Fish Surveys on May 17

Steve Hogler gives a talk on fishing

Public and Guests are encouraged! May 17, 2018 6:30pm. Manitowoc County Office Building. 4319 Expo Dr., Rm 300. DNR fish Manager Steve Hogler will present the results of Fish surveys conducted last year on Bullhead and Long Lake at the Manitowoc County Lakes Association May 17 meeting, The meeting is open to the public starting at 6:30 pm at the […]